What is Zombie Zen?
Welcome to Roxy Light’s website, Zombie Zen.
You may notice this website has little to do with the undead and even less to do with Buddhism. This is intentional: Zombie Zen reflects a peaceful balance between the zany and the cerebral.
Who is Roxy Light?

I am an artist: my primary medium is programming. I strive to create software in a variety of fields that is good, useful, and interesting. Much of the software in the world is complicated and not designed well — my mission is making software that is intuitive and beneficial to humanity.
My pronouns are she/her or they/them.
I am available for consulting or contracting work! See my business website, 256 Lights, for more details.
I have over a decade of experience in the software industry
at companies large and small,
with a focus on developer productivity.
I maintain the Go library zombiezen.com/go/sqlite
and I have contributed to many other libraries in the open source ecosystem.
Roxy Light in Other Places
I am deliberately not present on:
- The site formerly known as Twitter