Zombie Zen

Roxy's Blog

zb: An Early-Stage Build System

Posted at by Roxy Light

I have decided to develop zb, my experiment in user-friendly reproducible builds, into a full-fledged build tool. Although my previous blog post stated that I would not be developing this tool to production-readiness, a few things changed my mind:

  • My personal projects need a dependency management solution, and I am loath to continue investing in Nix.
  • I believe that many projects can benefit from a better dependency management/build tool, especially with the increasing industry-wide focus on supply chain security. I believe zb could serve that need.
  • zb is fun to work on! It’s an interesting challenge to provide a simple interface to a sophisticated build model.

As a build system, zb provides:

  • A familiar language for configuration. zb uses Lua to avoid introducing a significant programming language barrier. Lua has been used in a variety of applications to provide scripting facilities. Lua’s small codebase made it straightforward to extend for zb to include dependency information in every string.
  • Powerful build features. In the language of Build systems à la carte, zb is a suspending scheduler with constructive traces. This puts zb in the category of the hypothetical “Cloud Shake” detailed in that paper. As such, zb supports the early cutoff optimization (to speed up builds) and dynamic dependencies (i.e. Lua configurations can read files from build targets).
  • Support for non-determinism. zb is built to handle non-determinism in builds by rerunning nondeterministic build steps and then reusing work if possible. A build will not become incorrect if a build step is not perfectly deterministic, even when sharing build cache among peers. This reduces friction in migrating a codebase to use zb from other build systems.
  • File formats compatible with Nix. Internally, zb uses the same .drv file format and archive format as Nix, enabling tools built for the Nix store to be reused. (At the moment, there’s not a clear way to interoperate with Nix derivations, but this is hypothetically possible.)
  • Windows support. I want a build system that works on Windows in addition to Linux and macOS so that tooling need not be split across platforms.

Although zb is not ready for production use yet, I’ve reached a major milestone: zb no longer depends on Nix! I have written a build backend from the ground up that supports content-addressed derivations (a long-standing experimental feature in Nix), and more broadly, uses the “Intensional Model” described in The Purely Functional Software Deployment Model. This gives zb a strong foundation to leverage going forward.

If you’re interested in trying out zb for yourself, follow the instructions in the project README. Try writing your own builds (although keep in mind the known issues) and discuss any feedback over on GitHub. My next development target is to finish the Linux userspace, which will make bootstrapping other development tools much easier. Stay tuned!

(If your business would benefit from a build expert or some extra backend engineering bandwidth, I'm available for consulting and contract work! See my freelance website — 256 Lights — for details.)

(Discussion on Hacker News and Mastodon.)

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My Name is Roxy.

Posted at by Roxy Light

Today I’m making a broadly visible change to live more authentically and joyfully.

My name is Roxy Light. My pronouns are she/her or they/them. You may have known me by a different name, but I always have been — and always will be — zombiezen.

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zb: A Build System Prototype

Posted at by Roxy Light

In my previous blog post, I talked about some of the shortcomings of Nix as a project and what I wish to see exist in its stead. Since I published the blog post, there have been some promising developments: a constitutional assembly has formed, a fork of the Nix interpreter has arisen, and an alternative Nixpkgs ecosystem is beginning to form. I am enheartened that Nix has a potential future, but it is too early to tell how these new efforts will play out.

In the meantime, I prototyped an idea I had kicking around while I wrote the blog post. zb is an experiment in using Lua as an build configuration language while still using the model described in The Purely Functional Software Deployment Model. I am quite pleased with the results. In my view, this is an existence proof for using a more conventional programming language to reduce the onboarding cost of a technology like Nix.

The README has a more in-depth description of what I built, but in short:

  • zb uses a fairly stock Lua 5.4 interpreter, with the notable exception that it includes dependency information in strings, much like the Nix language. Lua’s simple interpreter made it straightforward to add this feature.
  • zb produces .drv files and uses nix-store --realise to build them. This means that zb is fully interoperable with Nix derivations (e.g. using nixpkgs derivations in zb derivations), but also proves that an alternative build backend could be created in the future.
  • zb uses content-addressed builds to enable the shallow build optimization described in Build systems à la carte.
  • I built a source bootstrap that is mostly equivalent to the nixpkgs standard environment by following the live-bootstrap steps. This includes a working GCC, GNU Make, Coreutils, and Automake, among many other common programs. I discovered in this process that this would be the largest time and effort investment. Even after a month, I still haven’t gotten a build that gets to the end of the steps.

I want to share this research prototype in the interest of showing others what is possible in the space, but I’m not planning on developing it to production-readiness. If you have feedback on zb, let me know on the Auxolotl forum, on the zb repository discussions, or privately.

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Wishes for the Future

Posted at by Roxy Light

(This is a long post. In the words of Blaise Pascal, “I have made this longer than usual because I have not had time to make it shorter.”)

I see the Nix project to have passed a critical moment. I think the Nix project has made great strides in solving some very hard problems, but my fear is that due to mismanagement, Nix will not succeed. In this post, I hope to share my perspective on what a better future for declarative, reproducible builds could look like, but sadly, I don’t think it involves Nix as it exists today. It’s hard to know what the future holds, and I am certain I do not hold the solutions to the problems that exist with Nix. However, I feel it would be a shame for the progress to be lost.

As background, on 2024-04-21, a group of concerned contributors and community members published an open letter to the NixOS foundation detailing Eelco Dolstra’s ill effects on the Nix project’s governance. On 2024-04-26, Eelco published a blog post that has caused many package maintainers to leave, including me. While I don’t have direct experience with the problems in the letter, I very much trust the folks who signed the letter. I am disappointed with how Eelco has chosen to handle the situation. I personally think this is a watershed moment for Nix, and not for the better. Such actions set the precedent for how an organization will act in the future, and given the power structure, there’s not much that can be done. In my mind, this endangers the health of Nixpkgs moving forward, and without healthy package maintenance, the Nix project is doomed. Consider this post a eulogy for a dream.

While the solution-that-is-Nix may evaporate, the problem it solves remains, at least for me. The rest of this blog post is my attempt at sketching what a suitable replacement would look like, in the hopes that it inspires someone to succeed where others have not. Perhaps a replacement is a fork, perhaps it is a wholly new project, perhaps it is the Nix project under better governance. I don’t know.

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Introducing pql

Posted at by Roxy Light

I’m happy to announce a project I’ve been working on for the last month: pql. pql is a pipelined query language inspired by the syntax of Microsoft’s KQL and Splunk’s Search Processing Language that I developed in collaboration with the fine folks at RunReveal. pql takes queries like:

	| where eventName != ''
	| summarize AllEventNames=groupUniqArray(eventName) by sourceType

and translates them into SQL like:

WITH "__subquery0" AS (SELECT * FROM "logs" WHERE coalesce("eventName" <> '', FALSE))
SELECT "sourceType" AS "sourceType", groupUniqArray("eventName") AS "AllEventNames" FROM "__subquery0" GROUP BY "sourceType";

I personally find the pql query easier to read and modify, while still retaining the power of what a relational database has to offer. pql supports all the basics of filtering, sorting, and aggregating, as well as complex joins.

Under the hood, pql builds a full Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) of its input and transforms it into a sequence of chained subqueries (similar to Static Single-Assignment form). While the generated SQL is sometimes more verbose than hand-written SQL, the queries are straightforward for database query planners to optimize out. This means that the generated queries are just as efficient as the equivalent, more condensed queries.

pql can be used with nearly any SQL-based database. If you’re interested in learning more, check out pql.dev and the announcement on RunReveal’s blog. pql is packaged as a Go library and small CLI that’s available on GitHub under an Apache 2.0 license.

(If your business would benefit from a build expert or some extra backend engineering bandwidth, I'm available for consulting and contract work! See my freelance website — 256 Lights — for details.)

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