Zombie Zen

Posts tagged "GraphQL"

Apollo Client Caching

Posted at by Ross Light

Since I’ve started working at Clutter, I’ve grown to enjoy the Apollo React Client library. However, I’ve noticed that the client’s caching behavior can be difficult to understand and cause surprising issues, so I’ve decided to collect my findings into one easily digestible post. This post assumes a basic understanding of GraphQL.

The major hidden component of Apollo Client is the cache, which sits between every query and the backend server.

The major hidden component of Apollo Client is the cache, which sits between every query and the backend server.

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Introducing: My GraphQL Go Server

Posted at by Ross Light
GraphQL logo

I’m excited to share my hobby project from the last few months: a GraphQL server library for Go. While it doesn’t implement the whole spec and might not be ready for production, I think it’s in a useful enough state to share more broadly. I’ve tested this library out with some toy projects and the results have been promising: I’m able to quickly publish a Go struct as a GraphQL endpoint.

Check it out now by reading the docs and adding it to your project with:

go get zombiezen.com/go/graphql-server/graphql
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